Tuesday, February 13, 2007

On the Needles

Note to self: Figure out how to take better pictures. I have a really nice camera, I just can't take consistently good pictures of my projects. Kids, sure. Projects, not so much.

Current projects:
  • Mary's messenger bag, not from a pattern. With my favorite yarn ever. Love the colors, love the texture. It's about 90% done, just need to mess around with the straps... it's meant to be worn over her shoulder, but also needs a second strap to allow it to hang on the back of her wheelchair... when we're in PARIS. In May. Yeah, I'm excited. Anyway, I also plan to felt it, which will be a first for me. But it's a bit big, so felting will shrink it - plus felting makes it waterproof-ish, or so I'm told, which is a good quality for a bag to have, if it can arrange to do so.

  • An Aran fisherman's sweater for Willem. Off-white wool, very soft. It's not like anything he's ever owned or worn before, so I really hope he likes it... but if nothing else, it's good practice with cables. It's another Lion Brand pattern, but NOT raglan sleeves. Perhaps 20% finished... but it's coming along faster now that I've learned the cabling/stitch pattern, and I plan to do the back in mock ribbing, so that should be faster.

  • The Candle Flame scarf from Firebrunette Knitting. The yarn I have is handspun and hand-dyed from exotic New Jersey, somewhat similar to the photo but not exact. I'm planning on changing the pattern a bit, by knitting close to the end and then decreasing, instead of making two halves and joining in the middle... because I don't know exactly how long the yarn is and it was a nightmare to untangle and wrap into a ball (my own fault for not hooking the original hank onto a chair or something to unwind) so I am NOT willing to unroll it all to measure. It's about 40% done.

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